Page name: Legato Scares Me! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-04 00:20:54
Last author: ~Legato~
Owner: ~Legato~
# of watchers: 8
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D20: 7
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Legato Scares Me! is now known as The Legato Revolution. You can find it at

The Legato Revolution

. Cheers to a new beginning





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[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: purple porkers? O.o heyyyyy don't push Blaze off a cliff! That's mean! If you're gonna push anyone off a cliff, push Legato off! XD

[Blaze the Nameless]: *climbs up the edge of the cliff*

[Princess Carwash]: *gets tackled by blaze because she too busy snugglin with her purple porker* AHHHH!!! *Legato joins in because during the scuffle blaze accidentally kicked dirt into her eyes*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *digs a hole*

[Princess Carwash]: this has nothing to do with the purple porker but... where IS legato n e ways?

[Princess Carwash]: go to my wiki!!!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *throws pig @ legato* SCARYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *steals the pig and runs away*

[~Vash~]: Everyone! I've made a Fanclub for [~Legato~]! Everyone go join ~Legato~ Rocks! . ^-^

[Blaze the Nameless]: Yeah!!!

[~Legato~]: Hi friends!!! And thanks for the fanclub [~Vash~]  *tear* it means... *tear* so very much to me...

[~Vash~]: X3 Hehe..yer...yer welcome. :P

[~Legato~]: I feel...I feel- very loved!! ^^

[~Vash~]: :P But you knew that.

[~Legato~]: yes..yes indeed I did... *smirk*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Fan clubbyness!!!

[~Legato~]: yes..yes indeed...

[Princess Carwash]: i made a fanclub for one of my buddies a couple days ago.

[~Legato~]: cool.. *narrows eyes* join my fan club or else... ~Legato~ Rocks! *sheepish smile* I mean...err..

[~Legato~]: *thumbs up*

[Princess Carwash]: n e one got yahoo messenger?

[~Legato~]: i used to I don't.

[Princess Carwash]: n e one else?

[~Vash~]: Same here. Used to, I don't..

[~Legato~]: ^^ yurpyurp!

[~Legato~]: ^^. I just want EVERYONE to know that..


[Princess Carwash]: weve got the point

[Blaze the Nameless]: Really? You love Legato? I didn't know that! (sarcasm)

[~Legato~]: .... :-P

[Blaze the Nameless]: I'm sorry I have to do this but I'm leaving ET. I'll miss you guys.

[Princess Carwash]: NOOOOOO!!!! YOU cant leave! ...sniffles...

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Blaze is in a pretty deep depression now. I'm trying to call her.

[~Vash~]: *Shakes head*

[Blaze the Nameless]: I hate it when I make myself depressed.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: well, you know what GIR says: "Somebody needs a hug!"

[Princess Carwash]: lol, group glomp!!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *is group glomped*

[Princess Carwash]: we wuv you!!!

[~Legato~]: ...*slaps her hand to her face* ...did all this have to take place in my wiki?! ...*eyes droop*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Thanks. ^^

[~Vash~]: X3 Poor Legato...being land-blasted with mushy-ness. :P

[~Legato~]: exactly.. *throws up*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Ew. I'll clean that up.

[~Legato~]: no..thats alright..

[Blaze the Nameless]: Good, cuz I really don't wanna touch it.

[~Legato~]: probably wouldn't be sanitary.

[Blaze the Nameless]: No, it wouldn't be-----------I think I see a couple human bones in there.

[~Legato~]: don't think I am a cannibal.. maybe a psychotic freak who gets excited at the mention of death and murder and grave yards.. but I'm not a cannibal.. ^.=

[Blaze the Nameless]: That's good.

[~Vash~]: X3 It's Vash's job to eat anything and everything..

[Blaze the Nameless]: That's true. He eats anything. I bet he'd even eat the school's food. *shivers*

[~Legato~]: ...*hides*

[Blaze the Nameless]: I wouldn't even eat that stuff through a straw.

[~Legato~]: *drinks some of her Cherry Limeade she got from Sonic earlier*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Oh! I love Sonic! Very yummy!!!

[~Vash~]: Hell Vash would eat....0_o;; Well anything. XD We...just established that..

[~Legato~]: *sheilds her Cherry Limeade* ...its mine...MINE I SAY!!! ..oh...*blush*..sorry

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Yeah, Vash probably would....but he'd eventually get food poisoning....then ~Vash~ and I would have to run him on over to the hospital... --U

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Not that we would MIND, of course! ^^

[~Legato~]: *would be laughing her @$$ off* muwhahaha!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U sadly, that would probably make for a good trigun fanfic.....(am already working on a food poisoning fanfic)

[strawberry jams]: wow..this place is AWSM!!!

[~Legato~]: thank ya! Yep, I'm the proud creator. *smirk*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *stands in the corner*

[~Vash~]: XD Oh my goodness! Poor Vash..

[Blaze the Nameless]: *eats a cookie*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yah.....HE NEED HUUUUUUUUUUG!!!!!!!! *hugs Vash*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *watches and drinks a soda*

[~Vash~]: No...Vash needs...A BEER! ^-^ *Hands over a large mugfull of bubbling yellow liquid to him* *Huggles Vash as he guzzles it*

[~Legato~]: ..enough Vash talk!! *shoves ~Vash~ and Ryoko out the door* ..Legato is so hot..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *shoves Legato out the door* Go fetch.



[~Vash~]: ^-^ Fee..

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: O.o Um.....Vash-sempai? In Japanese, the "u" in "Vashu" is silent.

[~Vash~]: ^-^ Not quite. I you'll notice, there is a slight almost "ea" sound at the end of words ending in "u." :P 'Sides. It's cute. Like Vashu! :3

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I dunno.....I'll ask Kelsey-chan (1 of my friends who's really smart when it comes to Japanese) about the "u" thing. And I agree that it's cute......and yup, just like Vashu-san! *wraps her arms around Vash's shoulders and huggles him, nuzzling his coat* X3

[~Legato~]: .....=.=;; *grunts* are infesting my blessed Legato wiki with all of your.."vash talk".. >.<

[Blaze the Nameless]: *eats some noodles she made*

[~Legato~]: *sighs and flops to the ground lazily*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *walks over and stares at [~Legato~]~*

[~Legato~]: *opens her eyes* meh?..

[Blaze the Nameless]: *pokes*

[~Legato~]: *grunts and rolls over,dead*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *stares*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: GEH! ~Legato~-sempai is DEAD!!!!!..........fortunitly, I know how to revive her! *shoves Legato into the room*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *stares at the real Legato*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: X3 Blaze-person spelled "real" wrong! X3

[Blaze the Nameless]: *things Legato looks fat*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *thinks he needs to cut down on the hotdogs*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *takes out an apple and bites into it*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: TT_TT waaaaaaah~~~ ebil Chapel apple! waaaaaaaaaah~~~

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: (heeeeeee.....Chapel apple......I made a rhyme....)

[Blaze the Nameless]: *stares at Ryoko*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *stares back at Blaze* What? The apple was reminding me of Chapel's apple! And Chapel's apple was baaaaaaaad!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *shrugs and walks away from Ryoko*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Blaze? Blaze, are you depressed again?

[Blaze the Nameless]: *keeps on walking while eating her apple and thinking*

[~Vash~]: =_=;; Oh we go yet again...

[Blaze the Nameless]: *runs into Chapel* Chapel: Is that my apple?

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD depends on which Chapel you're talking about, Blaze-Blaze!

[Blaze the Nameless]: (this is the meanie Chapel) Chapel: *tries to steal apple from Blaze but she won't let go* Let----go---of---the---apple.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD *shoves meanie Chapel into a ditch*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Chapel: *gets out of ditch* Why you little! *runs to hit Blaze but she holds up a sign that reads 'Hate Crime'* What the? What the hell is that?

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XDDDDD *hits him with a spatula*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Chapel: Ow! Was that a hate crime? Blaze: *shakes her head*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Nuuuuu! It was punishment!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Chapel: Then what is a hate crime!?!?!?!?!?!?!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I dunno! *throws an egg at his head* That was punishment, too! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *takes apple out of her mouth* A hate crime is when a person of different attacks another person of different race based on their skin color. *puts the apple back in her mouth*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *chomps at him*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Chapel: Stop that!!!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Nuuuuuuuu! You still need to be punished!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *holds up a sign that says 'Give him a sex change and be done with it!'*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XDDDDD M'kay! Can I use a cheeze grater?

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *shakes her head*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Well? Can I?

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *shakes her head again*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *takes out a shot*

[~Legato~]: ....=.=;; ...errr..okay

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Hey, Blaze? Couldja send me the lyrics in Varekai?

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *shakes her head and gives Chapel the shot*

[~Legato~]: *sighs and flops dead onto the ground*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Chapel: Ouch! That hurts!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XP ~Legato~-sempai died again.........why do you insist on dying so much, Sempai???

[~Vash~]: =_=;; She likes to..."die"..

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *nods her head*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD I don't "die"; I pass out in stead. But I don't pass out often.

[Princess Carwash]: HI BLAZE CHAPEL VASH AND RYOKO!.... and you to LEGATO!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *waves*

[~Vash~]: :P Hey, there!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ^^ *glomps ~Vash~*

[~Legato~]: *smirks during her death* ..Hi...

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Legatoooooooooo!!!! ^^

[~Vash~]: *Sweatdrop*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: eh.......*lets go of ~Vash~* ehehehehehe.....sorry 'bout that....... ^^U

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Oh, and I visited your deviantART site, ~Vash~; I like! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze: *reads Othello*

[~Vash~]: ;) Hehe. Thanks, Phoenix.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Blaze:*acts out Othello as Rodergio*

[~Legato~]: HELLO!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *is surprised*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U Erik hates me.

[Blaze the Nameless]: No he doesn't.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: he says the only reason he talks to me is b/c of you....I think......

[Blaze the Nameless]: He never said that

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: --U u haven't been reading my messages.

[~Legato~]: ....a -lot- of drama happens in my wiki...has anyone noticed that besides me?

[~Legato~]: anyway!! *thinks about Legato obsessivly*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: *thinks about Vash obsessivly* oh wait....I was already thinking about Vash obsessivly.....never mind........

[Rhammin]: ???? wierd. . . . . . COOL!!. . . . .wait um . . . .

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: wierd vash pic........XD

[Rhammin]: havn't seen it yet. oh can i come over today or are you busy?

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yeah, very buisy...

[Princess Carwash]: I apologize if i dont go to the RPG for a while, my computer has a virus. i am at school but schools out for summer as of tommarrow. dont laff i cant spell. so i wont be on for a while. whoever would like to use my characters for now it is okay with me.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Dumb virus! Why must people be so retarded and ruin other peoples' computers?

[Princess Carwash]: i know! that i always wondered!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Some people have no life whatsoever!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: something put spyware on my stupid little shortcut thingies keep showing up on the main screen, and no matter how many times i send 'em to the trashcan, they keep coming back! --U

[Blaze the Nameless]: That must suck.

[Zardra]: use adAware! it keeps the comp clean from little bugs ... also, use Mozzilla Firefox. 90 % of the people who make viruses design them to work in Explorer when only about 8 % of the viruses work in Mozzilla, its a lot safer for you comp ^^

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yeah, but my dad has some protection stuff he has yet to put on my computer.

[Zardra]: ooh good ^^ ... you could still put adAware to your comp and run it once, it has always cleared out every single problem I have had with my comp.. and its free ^^

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: ohh yeah...I do have adaware...oopsie. XD

[Zardra]: Yay! ^^ run it, the bugs go away ^___^

[Blaze the Nameless]: la la la

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: yep buggies go BYE-BYE!!!! *flush* X3

[Zardra]: Yay XD

[Blaze the Nameless]: *holds out a fly swatter*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: s'ok; I flushed teh bugz! XD

[Rhammin]: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you people need to get out more. . . . . . . .

[Blaze the Nameless]: Oh you should talk [Rhammin]!!!!

[Rhammin]: i do get out. just not as much as i would like to.

[Blaze the Nameless]: I get out too much.

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I don't! XD

[Blaze the Nameless]: And you need too!

[~Legato~]: .<

[Princess Carwash]: you have to completely remove the spywear from your computer... it is really complicated. 

[Princess Carwash]: i've been out evryday since school ended... me n my friend hang out at her place.

[~Legato~]: fun fun!

[~Legato~]: *coughcough* ...ladedadadad

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: total slaughter........I won't leave...a single di da di di da di ocean...of blood........let's begin...the killing time........ XD

[~Legato~]: *closes her ears* GAHH!! [~Vash~] tortures me endlessly with that song. please..PLEASE NOT YOU TOO!!!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: oh....sorry! ^^U

[Blaze the Nameless]: *is dancing to song*

[~Vash~]: MUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! La de da de de da de dud...and ocean of blood...let's begin the killing time...>3

[Blaze the Nameless]: You really like that song don't you?

[~Legato~]: *kills everyone who is singing that song* ...grrrrr

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: XD *hi-5's Sempai*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *listens to her new Flogging Molly song*

[~Legato~]: ....uggghhh..why do I even bother..

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